Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fish Mode

SOULFISH 2, FISH MODE from Mikey Wier on Vimeo

Patagonia fly fishing ambassador, old school snowboarder, artist/filmmaker/fly tyer, surfer, and guy who moves through life with a very positive ethos, Mikey Wier continues to produce fly fishing moving picture compositions worth appreciation. He was a pioneer of the original tribe of new school trout bums and has been on the landscape of influential fly fishing filmmakers and film tours longer than just about anyone.

This Soulfish 2 project is called Fish Mode. The trailer looks to tie together a vast number of places and people into one common fly fishing thread. That thread is really the path that Mr. Wier has been on. That alone is impressive. You'll see that Burl Productions continues to experiment with graphic techniques in Fish Mode which are part of the brand's uniqueness. Music is also a point of differentiation. Good stuff as always. For those interested in gear, make note of what you see people using in Mikey's films and on his blog. You are often seeing what is being tested for future market introduction in both hard and softgood categories.


Burl Productions said...

Thanks for the post my friend. It's been an amazing journey. I'm very excited to finally bring some of these stories to light. This has been a 3 year project. I just really want to do justice to all the amazing people i've met and experiences i've gotten to have. So thankful to live in this time on this planet. Thanks.

El Pescador said...

let the soulfish journey continue. thanks for sharing the experiences so far. onward.