Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lifetime practice

Emmonak, Alaska resident Lenora Hootch gives a demonstration of how to prepare king salmon for the smokehouse.  She learned this skill from her father when she was 14 years old but humbly states that "I'm still learning how to do this, it's a lifetime practice."  This eighteen and a half minute piece is filled with special bits of enlightenment about a process that has sustained communities for ages.  Filmed in 2009 by Dennis Zaki, ALASKAFX Productions.


William @ AnglerWise said...

Smoking salmon IS a lifetime practice. I learned from my gramps and pa, but still don't get it right every time. But when I DO get it right, it's pure heaven. You wouldn't know that from the store bought stuff.

El Pescador said...

thanx for sharing your thoughts william. i hope to try a little bit of "pure heaven" someday but for now i'm limited to the store bought stuff.