"After intensive R&D, we've found a way to merge our blog stream, our comments stream and our photo stream into one. All subscribers will now be able to follow along with new blog posts as well as with comments and select Flickr photos featured on the right hand side of the blog - in other words, the whole Way Upstream experience!! RSS and email subscribers may notice a few hiccups as we work out the bugs but we believe this will be an upgrade for everyone."
Test this latest upgrade and let us know what you think about merging streams!
You may have noticed a few hiccups with the RSS feed recently. The bugs have since been worked out by some of the Way Upstream technology providers. Carry on.
The Way Upstream Flickr site has surpassed 5000 views against a total of 416 photos.
A couple of the streams are going to be running dry for a little bit. For the time being the RSS feeds will only include Way Upstream blog posts. Google is having some difficulty with the advanced technology behind Way Upstream although they assure it_guy that they'll have things fixed soon.
The rain has come and the streams are running again. The wayupstream feed should now be carrying all of the updates again. Carry on.
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