It was almost a year ago when Way Upstream exhibited a
series of snake photographs taken by
artist and
fly designer Tim Borski. Since then Tim has sent me a small collection of
elongate legless carnivorous reptile images to share with the blog community. Here are two of them (top: juvenile water moccasin, bottom: eastern diamond back rattler). Tim has been creating some paintings of snakes in addition to his fish, bird and butterfly subject matter. Visit
Tim's website to see what he has been up to and check out his
photo gallery for more pictures.

Photos by Tim Borski
Aaron likes!
Stay tuned Aaron. I'll make sure to post more snake stuff just for you.
He says, "Kay!!" He knows I love snakes right? He should have sent me some shark pictures too."
Aaron had 3 stitches to the head yesterday by the way.
Wow! Great pics!
I will check out the others by Tim.
Thanks for sharing.
Tell Aaron that I'm well aware of his deep appreciation of snakes and sharks. I'll make sure to post some slithery, toothy critters in the near future.
I agree - great pics. I will have to take a look at the others. Fly Fishing plus anything = cool.
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