Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rhody Flat-Wing

I found another relic recently, mixed in with some of my fly tying materials. It's a fly packaging card from Narragansett Bay Flies that I think I picked up years ago at The Saltwater Edge when it was on Thames St. in Newport, RI. I'm sure the fly associated with this particular packaging has long since been buried at sea but the card managed to survive. Now it serves as blog content. The late Bill Peabody is credited with being the creator of this productive pattern. Watch this 8 and 1/2 minute video and Capt. Corey Pietraszek will guide you through tying this Rhode Island classic.

Photos by Steve Stracqualursi


Dylan Rose said...

Fantastic post. These patterns do not get enough credit on the west coast. They are deadly!

El Pescador said...

The Rhody Flat-Wing can be an effective pattern on any coast and the concept can be adapted to a variety of species but it's a must-have pattern for any striper chaser. Thanks for the comment Dylan. Good luck with Skate The Fly.

Skate the Fly said...

Thanks. Do you have a favorite variation of the bucktail pattern called Ray's Fly?

El Pescador said...

I do have a variation of Ray's Fly that incorporates a little maribou but once you stray from the original materials then it's not Ray's Fly anymore.