Tuesday, September 4, 2007


After months of planning, organization, phone calls, emails, letters and the occasional postcard, AEG has entered Mongolia. It’s a country where 8 hour drives turn into 27 hour drives and where things don’t always go as planned. It’s a place where GPS can throw you off. It's a place where mystery meat from roadside kabob stands and dried yogurt are “different to say the least”. It’s also a place where elusive taimen reside and they lie at the undercut root of this quest. Follow their travels by checking the Trout Bum Diaries Blog and leave comments for them too. Check the AEG website to see their plans for the 2008 film tour. The cities they plan to visit and dates are listed so mark your calanders. Onward.

Photos by Tim Pask


IdahoCaddis said...

I must be missing something here. I can see the locations of the 2008 film tour, but I am not seeing any dates. Am I not looking in the right place?

Robison said...

The film tour dates are being finalized and will be posted on the site under "Schedule" in the very near future.
You will be able to click on the city and the date/time/venue will be displayed.
The tour will be kicking off at the Patagonia World HQ in Ventura CA on January 30th. All dates will follow from that point forward.
Its going to be an epic program for this years tour!
Hope to see you at the show.

El Pescador said...

Thanks Thad. I am seeing the dates/times now. I click on the website link in the post, then click on the film tour logo (upper right), next click "schedule" and finally click on a venue. The dates and times appear to be there....at least for me.

Anonymous said...

I still need to watch Trout Bum II. In an unrelated manner, I have a question about fishing bags. Will Patagonia be updating them anytime soon? William Joseph and Fishpond have become very popular in the past few years.

El Pescador said...

Let me just say that there will be some new and redesigned packs from Patagonia in Spring '08. If you are at the FFR show in Denver you can check them out. Come by and say hi Adam. Thanks for asking.