Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sweet Home California

In Spring of 2007, Mikey Wier (BURL Productions) teamed up with Trout Unlimited California to produce a college outreach video in hopes of helping spread TU’s message to the younger generation and future voters. When Dave Lass (Northern California Field Coordinator and public lands specialist for TU in the state of California) asked him to do the video for them, he jumped at the opportunity. Check out the 9 minute result which reveals Mikey's film talents and some of the special trout qualities of California. I encourage those interested in this topic to visit Mikey's blog Burl Fish for more detail on this post.

Contribution By Mikey Wier in association with TU and Way Upstream 2008


flymouth said...

Great job on the vid Mike and all those involved.

Burl Productions said...

Thanks so much! It was a great project. Dave Lass is a stand up guy and i really feel strongly that TU is doing good work. It was also nice to be able to feature allot of the fishing community from around our area. All the anglers are friends and all the places featured are special to all of us and worth protecting into the future. We did some nice hikes into some remote wilderness and got to film some places that rarely get seen. I wish all my film assignments were this fun!!